The Duke Quality Network connects community hospitals to the quality and patient safety resources of Duke Health through a proven model focused on leadership, performance improvement and a culture of safety.

Our approach builds on the strengths and successes of your organization by guiding and supporting hospital leadership and engaging physicians in quality and patient safety activities.  The Duke Quality Network fosters the use of traditional performance improvement strategies integrated with recent culture of safety advances.

Our Approach 

The Duke Quality Network approach advances patient safety and clinical quality by:

  • Enhancing the local hospital Board's accountability for quality and patient safety initiatives
  • Guiding and supporting hospital leadership
  • Engaging physicians in quality and patient safety initiatives
  • Promoting evidence-based interventions
  • Supporting achievement of value-based purchasing goals

The Duke Quality Team

Assistant Vice President, Duke Quality Network 
Claudia ParenClaudia Paren, MSN, RN, CPPS, CPHQ
Associate Patient Safety Officer 
Sara RoebuckSara Roebuck, MPH, RN, CPPS, CPHQ, LSSBB
Associate Patient Safety Officer
Elaine Long, BSN, RN, CPPS
Associate Patient Safety Officer
Christina MartinezChristina Martinez, CPPS, LSSYB 
Associate Patient Safety Officer
Dan CrottyDan Crotty
Management Engineer
Vickie WilsonVickie Wilson, MBA, BS
Program Specialist
Jourdan Davis, BS
Administrative Specialist